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dynaMITE 400R
The Simplex dynaMITE is a large capacity, high performance Portable Load Bank designed to provide the manufacturers, distributors and users of large AC generators and UPS systems with sophisticated testing capability. dynaMITE Load Banks feature digital controllers with network control and data acquisition capability. Operator interface is via touchscreen. Load control is via screen keypad. All electrical values display on the screen and are recorded by the system for future data retrieval. Any number of dynaMITE and Electra Load Banks can be combined for large system capacities and networked for central control and data acquisition.

Infinity 200R
The new Simplex Infinity 200 is simply the most advanced factory-standard load bank available anywhere. Digitally controlled infinite loads—simply enter any value from zero to max, and the load bank goes there. Ramp-up, ramp-down, infinitely. Roll-in, roll-out, 360-degree casters, forkliftable, connect up to 2 x 4/0 per phase. Daisy chain up to 40 units (that’s 8000kw- maybe not infinite capacity, but who’s counting at that point). Single-point control of the chain of load banks. Single-point data acquisition of the chain. 200kw at 240 and 480v, 3-phase; 150kw at 208 and 416v, 3-phase, 133kw at 240v, singlephase, all in the smallest and lightest package available.

Powerstar 100 KW
The Simplex PowerStar Portable Load Bank is an ultra-compact, lightweight, versatile test instrument specially designed for manufacturers, dealers and users of small AC power systems, to 100KW nominal. It is suitable for testing engine generators, wind generators, UPS systems, ground power units, auxiliary power units, static inverters or virtually any other AC power source on the production line, in the service shop or in the field. It can be applied at all common AC voltages to 480V maximum, 50-60-400 Hertz, single or 3-phase.

Powerstar 110 KW
The Simplex PowerStar Portable Load Bank is an ultra-compact, lightweight, versatile test instrument specially designed for manufacturers, dealers and users of small AC power systems, to 110KW nominal. It is suitable for testing engine generators, wind generators, UPS systems, ground power units, auxiliary power units, static inverters or virtually any other AC power source on the production line, in the service shop or in the field. It can be applied at all common AC voltages to 480V maximum, 50-60 Hertz, single or 3-phase.

Atlantis 500R
The Atlantis-Series is an attractive alternative to air-cooled Load Banks: it is perfectly quiet and cool running; it is extremely compact and may be installed in otherwise unutilized space; it is virtually maintenance free.
The Atlantis-500 is ideal for data center chiller system commissioning. With its large 4-inch water connections and minimal pressure drop, the Atlantis will accept the high water flows required for limited temperature rise, typically 12.5 degrees F.

Avtron LPH100
The Avtron Model LPH100 Load Bank is a portable, self-contained AC resistive model designed for indoor use.
The Avtron LPH00 Load Bank gives users the freedom of a high capacity load in an ultra-compact package. The LPH100 is ideal for routine testing and maintenance of AC power sources such as stand-by-emergency generators and UPS systems. The load bank is rated at 100 KW at 480 VAC and 93.75 KW at 240 VAC at 3 phase, 60 Hz.

Eagle Eye's LB-48-500
Eagle Eye’s LB-48-500 Constant Current DC Load Bank is designed for discharge testing, battery capacity testing, acceptance testing, battery maintenance, and other testing of DC systems. The LB-Series load banks are portable, economic load banks with reliability and ease of use in mind. The intelligent technology allows a constant current discharge without the need for any adjustments during the test.

Load Cube 2500KW
The Simplex Load Cube is an ultralarge capacity , fully portable, resistive/ reactive Load Bank System intended for field use in testing, maintenance and performance proving of large generating systems. The Load Cube is rated 2500kw, 1875kvar at 400-600v commercial AC voltages. The Load Cube is typically used to test large diesel generators, turbines, paralleled generators and shipboard generators.

Simplex MicroStar Precision Air Heaters (Load Banks) enable comprehensive testing of data center hot aisle/cold aisle cooling systems. The MicroStar is a 19-inch rack mountable device (10U high) that can be easily installed into a wide range of standard server racks. Precision heat generation is possible via the integration of adjustable heat levels (load steps) and adjustable airflow (velocity and CFM). The MicroStar is designed and manufactured by Simplex, the leading manufacturer of data center load banks and OEM Generator Production Test Cells.

Trident Trailer Load Banks
The ROAD WARRIOR of Load Banks.
Self-contained and ready-to-roll, the SOS Trident Trailer Load Banks pack it on-board: dual voltage resistive load bank, cables on reels, cam-lock cable connection panel, digital-network capable control and data acquisition with remote control cables. These rugged over-the-road systems go where the big boys can’t: parking garages, alleys, congested yards. Operate in all-weather conditions. Network with other Trident Trailers or with any SOS Rental Load Bank (except PowerStar) to form large systems in excess of 25MW.