Division Headquarters | 110 Haverhill Road | Building C, Suite 311 | Amesbury, MA 01913 | 978-378-4636 | sales@critical2u.com
The CSG Website will be moving to BGIS.com.
Our Commissioning service ensures that your data center is operating at maximum efficiency and that all elements are working together to provide the desired level of redundancy. We test all of your systems at full design loads, individually as well as an entire system. All test results, recommendations, failures, repairs, and changes are documented in a comprehensive report, which is a vital tool that is needed to properly manage an operational data center. This documentation provides the history of the project and is required to certify that your data center is running smoothly and efficiently at all times.
This strict quality assurance and management process is vital for avoiding costly disruptions and downtime. It helps ensure that your data center’s objectives and design specifications are achieved – from day one of the conception and initial planning phase through construction, training, and ongoing day-to-day operations.
BGIS | Critical Solutions Group offers a complete range of commissioning services for data centers of all sizes, ensuring your data center performs to 100% of your company’s objectives and design. Our commissioning team has the expertise to fulfill all the commissioning objectives for projects needing a LEED certification and will verify and document that your facility meets all of the requirements and regulations of your business.